On a volcanic island like Tenerife, it would be usual to find black sand beaches. However, there are areas of the island that have golden sand beaches. Diego Hernández beach is one of them, it is one of those hidden gems from mass tourism that very few manage to discover.
And it is said that it is hidden because there are no roads that provide access to the area, there are no hotels around it, there are no services, not even lifeguards. We are talking about a virgin beach where it is a pleasure to be. The slopes that surround it are dotted with cardones and tabaibas, characteristic vegetation of the coastal areas of the Canary Islands.
The area has been declared a Site of Scientific Interest due to the presence of halophilic vegetation, or in other words, vegetation adapted to saline soils, which attract species of seabirds and migratory birds. Another orchard offshore, numerous cetaceans live permanently in the marine strip of Teno-Rasca, ZEC zone (Special Conservation Area).
A paradise of golden sands
With this cover letter, few can resist the charm of this golden sand beach, where nudism is the order of the day. Children and adults enjoy one of the virgin areas of the south coast of Tenerife.
Fortunately, access is not for everyone, you have to walk a certain distance, so you can be sure that the influx of tourists is low. In summer it can be said that you will find more bathers but in winter there will be no more than a handful of people who occupy the area of sand at low tide.
The path to Diego Hernández beach is easy and intuitive. Along the way, it divides into dozens of forks, but they all lead to the same place. You just have to go straight towards the sea. There is no danger or excessive difficulty but if you wear closed shoes it will be better.
Source: Lagavetavoladora